Saturday, October 24, 2015

Girl Meets The New World

This episode was a closure episode. We find out that Riley and Lucas are trying to move on, after Riley's kiss with Lucas. There is a surprise visit by recurring characters, and I can't wait to see where they appear again.

                                                ****Spoiler's Ahead****
Problem Solver: Riley is desperately trying to avoid her feelings for Lucas. She's trying to occupy her schedule but there is nothing for her to do, so see results to solving every one's problems. She finally comes to the fact that she can't avoid her feelings

Darby&Yogi: Finally we incorporate some secondary characters, the lovers from "Girl Meets First Date". They have received real names, and character traits. They are the awkward couple that makes everyone uncomfortable. They seem to be the only official couple in the entire school, so it only makes sense that they would be interested in the idea of another couple coming together.

Meet Dewey: Auggie finally has a new friend, that isn't Ava. Topanga gets really excited, until she discovers his name: Dewey(pronounced Doy).  Topanga explains the correct pronunciation of his name, and he begins to cry. Corey comes to rescue crying Dewey, and he is pronouncing his name like Doy as well.

Greece Allusion: Similar to the song: "Summer Lovin" from the movie "Greece" The boys and girls from the school are separated, and they try to get all of the details about the kiss. They want to know where there relationship goes from here. They really ship them so hard but, more than anything, they are just eager to know what happens now.

Lucas and Riley: After a ton of peer pressure, they decided that it would be the best to be a couple since everyone wants that. The are extremely awkward as a couple until Lucas says that titles aren't important. Then they notice a couple watching hands, and they become nervous. They see a real couple and it is clear that they are not ready for that type of commitment. Lucas walks Riley home, and they enter acting extremely stiff and awkward. After talking to Topanga, they decide to break up and stay friends. That was easy to them and they wanted to continue keeping t easy.

Corey vs. Topanga: Corey comes in and defends the name. He explains to Topanga that his name is his, and he deserves to pronounce it how he would like it. Corey tries to explain the idea of giving kids independence, and letting them live. After Topanga talks to Riley, and Lucas she becomes determined that the situation with Dewey is not ok.

My Thoughts: I believe that the argument between Corey and Topanga was very sticky. We have two sides: the idea that Corey believes kids should live without being interfered with, and the idea that kids need to be taught the right way to live. The interesting thing about this is that both arguments are correct. Neither parent in wrong. Topanga had the bold idea to teach Dewey, which wasn't wrong, but it was better placed in the conversation with Riley and Lucas. I think Dewey is way too young to really appreciate and understand what Topanga is trying to do. Then there is Corey, who is preaching Laissez Faire but doesn't even understand that his taught has fallen into the trap that he had hoped that she would never fall into. He tried to hold her back from dating Lucas for the longest, and right under his nose, Lucas starts dating his daughter.

Another key element was that Maya is extremely vain. She became obsessed with Farkle all because he had an expensive diamond ring on him. This may prove to be an important character trait for her, or it could have just been a way for the writers to poke fun at women.

An extremely bold moment for Riley and Lucas was their breakup! It must have been really hard for them to do that, but they both accepted the blame and were smart enough to realize that they were better off as friends.

Next Episode is Girl Meets The Secret Of Life!

Tune in Friday November 6, 2015 for a brand New Episode!

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